Lets say you donated something for a give away and you were told you needed to send 2 items..one for the giveway and one for the person doing said giveaway.I was told this would link back to me as I have a biz...but it was not.Nor was I told when the items were recieved.They were sent to a main address then shipped to the person.I mean I would have at least emailed and said Hey I got these and what ever but alas I got nothing...
So my question is do you let people know when you get a package ?

no, i dont. but usually bc i forget to. :) a lot of people think i am rude, though!
I try to let them know.
I would totally be annoyed!!! Esp since they told you to give them TWO!
Knowing the situation AND the individual in question; YES I'm pissed for you and NO I am NOT surprised because she does this regularly. Absolutely unacceptable behavior from said "big name" blogger.
Just know that she is NOT typical and that others would gladly link back AND acknowledge your gift.
i would give the benefit of the doubt and contact the person saying I am sure it was an oversight on your part, or perhaps my package did not reach you.....if no resposne is forth coming then you have your answer.
It is easy to accept what others say, the easiest way to the truth is head-on.
Are you speaking of Jennifer McKinney?
linlassie I did email said person and their "STaff"
CK :)
sorry. =( that seems to be the status quo with that person. hopefully you'll get the recognition you deserve soon.
What a fun store you have!
I would definitely be upset. You have every right to be pissed. At the very least you need an acknowledgment. That's so not cool.
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