So the lowdown is this(incase you have not allready had the pleasure of hearing me says some not so nice words allready about this situation)
First of September the little girls have colds(snotty,coughing)
We had a trip scheduled for Germany and decide to go ahead and go.The girls are great and no more snotty noses or coughing.We return home and they promptly get sick again...
We had a trip scheduled to Sweden in mid October and we go ahead and go and hope for the best.The girls get better and we had a great time.
We get home and there is a funky smell but we cannot find it.The girls get sick AGAIN...
We look and look and I was getting a hat for Makayla and boom found the smell..
MOLD and lots and lots of it.
Take her back to the dr and he says its the mold making them sick.We start looking for a house right away since the landlord we had is a Jerk(that is a nice word for him).
We find a place that is perfect.4 bedrooms,one floor and a place for my store next to it.We rent it all.Old landlord is being a Jerk and we start moving early(the 18th) into the new place.There is lots and lots of snow and cold weather but Deanna and Søren move all they can everyday.We only have a station wagon and had rented a small trailer.
So new landlord shows up New Years Eve and wants us to sign a new contract saying we will move by October 1st WHAT???????
No way.We are not even finished moving in.Its not my fault that the buyers want the house now.We have rights to ya know...
So then he tells us that some other people are going to look at the house the 6th(yesterday)
They came and were ever so sweet and kept saying over and over again how sorry they were.You see there are boxes every where.They had no clue we were just moving in.Then the landlord says gosh you guys have alot of stuff...
So now we are looking for a new place while DH applies for his Green Card and then USA bound (we hope)

I can't use the words I would normally use, but know I love ya'll and think it's crappy!!. I'm so sorry!
What a terrible chain of circumstances - I am so sorry! I will be praying that God will open the right doors for you to expedite the process of moving forward!
Uhg it still amazes me that this guy is pulling this. I am thinking some very naughty words that I will keep to myself.
It just infuriates me that this is being done to you. I felt your excitement & contentment with the new place. I am so very sorry. Everything happens for a reason right? I can't help but to believe that you are going to be even happier with the next home!
That's just not right.
Thanks guys.He was served papers yesterday :)
may i suggest Minnesota? it's frigid but a GREAT place to raise kids! :)
i'm sorry! that all just sucks :(
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