Wow what a rollercoaster your life has been.Desiree Nichole was born Dec 3rd 1985(sorry about posting this late Des.I wanted it to be perfect).She has been my challenge but I love her so much.She taught me alot and we kinda had to grow up together.Now we are friends..ok most days we are friends and sometimes we fight.She has a temper like me and we are alike in alot of ways.We are also very different.She has made life scary and fun and exciting.She is married now and still calls almost daily just to chat.I love you Des and cant wait for you to come for christmas.

thanks mom like to make me cry don'tcha :P
I'm trying to catch up on my blog sweet! I get the growing up with her part. I have grown up with my oldest. Hope she had an awesome birthday & y'all have a great visit at Christmas!
i did have a great birthday although i was sick
This is a really sweet post! Happy Birthday to your daughter :)
We can see who is mammas favorate :(
Awww happy birthday! You're about the age of my 2nd daughter and am loving it. :)
How matter how old they are..they are always our babies!
Hope the opening went great...
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