Mack is loving school and being with her friends again.
Makayla loves being with Kim and Kate and the babies are fun to push in wagons.
Soren worked hard last weekend getting the hedges trimmed and the grass mowed.He even bagged it all up.
We have not been out much as the weather has been pretty bad.Cold,rainy,windy you know the drill.
The girls went to the dentist yesterday and Makayla had a small hole in her tooth so they fixed it.Miss Mack had 2 teeth removed by the dentist and did awesome !
The Tooth Fairy I mean I failed miserably and forgot to leave some money oops.
But I went in and tossed a bill on the floor and proclaimed it must have fallen on the floor.Whew she didnt even think twice about it.
(Mental note dont let her read this one for a few years).
Deanna is not enjoying know how teenagers are.We also joined the gym so I hope we get all fit just in time for the holidays.

You'll have to let me know how you got Soren to get the yardwork done! lol Mike doesn't seem to notice when anything needs done...until I pull out the lawnmower then he suddenly gets motivated.
Well we live on the main street and every body in town sees it so he wants it to look nice.He even swept the walk and I was like dude the wind is blowing and its fixing to rain.He cleaned it anyway lol
I've been there with the forgetful Tooth Fairy. After being here for her 3 big sisters, apparently the tooth fairy had some memory issues with our youngest. On several occasions I had to say, "Are you sure sweetie? Let me go look." And then I would reach way under the head of her bed and TA-DA! there it was!
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