On other news I think we have decided to move stateside.We have nothing holding us here and well I miss my family.I want to be "home" again so we are starting the process of moving.Cleaning out and getting rid of everything including my car.It is a process and I and ready for it now.
I have talked to Mack long and hard about how her life will change once we move and how different it will be.Her desire is to shop at night...Silly kid
anyhow as more news is available I will post it

again, so sorry about your grandma and the house but maybe the house thing was a blessing in disguise? you're in my thoughts!
Thanks Jenn.I think it is.We are on a mission to clean out and sell everything and are coming stateside :)
Oh Missie, what a blessing to be closer to family! When I read that, I realize that I can't complain that I'm just over an hour drive from the majority of my family (and still want to move closer!)!! Do you know where you'll be in the states (if you don't want to give that information, it is much understood!)?? Well, we'll be happy to have you here :) I'll be praying for you as you begin this transition!
We dont know yet.We had yet more news on the house again but I am not getting my hopes up.Looks like Tn is a good place but anywhere but texas is good for me.I hate the heat
So sorry to hear about your Grandma.
Fall is definitely in the air isn't it? I'm enjoying it. We had pumpkin pie instead of cake for Jared's birthday dessert. Yummy!
Have a blessed Sunday.
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